This extraordinary group of women got their start at the 2019 UE National convention. They met and developed a plan to advance women in leadership roles. At their first meeting they chose the topic of women’s health to promote.
They created a facebook page. (UExtraordinary Women) and have received great feed back from women all over about how great they think this concept is.
The group created a women of UE award that was handed out at the eastern Region meeting. The locals of UE nominated women that had worked to advance women in leadership positions.
These extraordinary women conducted their first training to learn some history about the extraordinary women that came before them in union history and discussed ideas about what women need to advance in leadership and also help their families, their union, and their communities.
February is national heart month and Valentine’s day. They decided their next training would be heart healthy. Please join them
February 25, 2021 at 7:30pm by zoom.
Discussion about how to be heart healthy and some simple ways to practice self care. In these very stressful times.
If you have questions please contact Donna Morgan at [email protected], or Leslie Riddle at [email protected].