We, the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (UE), realize that the struggle to better our working and living conditions is in vain unless we are united to protect ourselves collectively against the organized forces of the employers.
Realizing that the old craft forms of trade union organization arc unable to defend effectively the interests and improve the conditions of wage earners, WE, THE ELECTRICAL, RADIO AND MACHINE WORKERS OF AMERICA (UE) form an organization which unites all workers in our
industry on an industrial basis, with rank and file control, regardless of craft, age, sex, nationality, race, creed, sexual orientation or political beliefs, and pursue at all times a policy of aggressive struggle to improve our conditions.
We pledge ourselves to labor unitedly for the principles herein set forth, to perpetuate our union and work concertedly with other labor organizations to bring about a higher standard of living of the workers.
This organization shall be known as the Eastern Regional Council of the UNITED ELECTRICAL, RADIO AND MACHINE WORKERS OF AMERICA (UE).
It shall be the object of the Eastern Regional Council to protect, maintain and advance the interests of workers, to organize unions in shops and localities in conformity with its jurisdiction and to promote the advancement of such bodies.
In conformity with the National Constitution of the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) the Eastern Regional Council shall consist of all locals of the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and West Virginia.
Section 1. The Eastern Regional Council (hereinafter referred to as “Region”) shall meet at least two (2) times annually, in the months of February, March or April and August, September or October. The fall meeting may take place during the week of the UE national convention. The time and place of all meetings shall be determined by the Region or the Region executive board.
Section 2. Special meetings of the Region may be called by the Region executive board or by request of twenty-five percent of the locals in the Region, such request is to be made in writing to the Region President. Written notice of a special meeting shall be issued to the local unions a minimum of ten (10) days in advance of the meeting.
Section I. The basis of representation and the voting strength of each local shall be determined by its average per capita payment due to the Region for the twelve month period ending the 20th day of the month before the month preceding that in which any regular meeting of the Region is held (for example, for a meeting held in April per capita must be paid up through January which is due by February 20th). Locals that are affiliated with the Region less than one (1) year shall be given representation and voting strength on the basis of a monthly average paid per capita for the period of time for which they have been affiliated. Any dispute over per capita tax standing of a local will be governed by the per capita paid to the national union.
Section 2. Delegates whose locals have not paid all monies due to the Region on the date specified in Section 1 above shall have a voice on the floor, but no vote. This shall not apply to locals involved in a current strike, which shall vote on a basis of their last four per capita payments.
The Region executive board may exonerate a local for the late payment of per capita and seat the delegates upon payment of all per capita owed prior to the call to order of the Region meeting.
Section 3. Locals shall have three (3) delegates for the first three hundred (300) members or less and one
( 1) additional delegate for each additional one hundred ( 100) members or major fraction thereof.
Section 4. Delegates to this Region shall be elected by their locals prior to the Region meetings, and their credentials mailed to the Region office not less than thirty-one (31) days prior to the meeting at which the delegates shall be seated. Names and home addresses of all delegates shall be submitted on forms supplied by the region and signed by the local president and local secretary and affixed by the local seal.
Section 5. Two (2) or three (3) locals, each having not more than one hundred (100) members may combine and send one ( 1) delegate to the Region meeting. The procedure for election and the voting strength of locals so combining shall be as provided in the national constitution.
Section 6. It shall require at least one-third (1/3) of the accredited delegates present, representing not less than five (5) locals to call for a roll call vote.
Section 7. On a roll call vote, the voting strength shall be one (1) vote up to one hundred (100) members, and one ( 1) additional vote for each additional one hundred ( 100) members or major fraction thereof. The voting power of each local shall be divided equally among its delegates present.
Section 8. There shall be no vote by proxy at the Region meetings.
Section 9. No person employed by any union other than the UE or in an industry not within the jurisdiction of or covered by contract with UE shall be seated as a delegate to this Region.
Section 1. The executive officers of the Region shall be president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer and recording secretary. twenty-six (26) executive board members-at-large together with the officers shall constitute the Region executive board. Two (2) trustees and one (1) alternate shall also be elected.
Section 2. All officers, executive board members and trustees shall be elected for a term of one year and shall hold office until their successors have been elected and duly installed. They shall be elected by a majority of the Region delegates who shall have been elected by secret ballot among the members in good standing in accordance with procedures established by each local union.
Section 3. No executive officers of the Region shall be from the same local. No local shall have more than one ( 1) additional representative of the twenty-six (26) executive board members-at-large elected to the Region executive board.
Section 4. The terms of the Region officers, executive board members, and trustees shall expire April 30th. In case of death, resignation or recall of the president, the Region executive board shall elect a temporary successor for the remainder of the term. In case of death, resignation or recall of a vice president, secretary-treasurer, or at-large delegate to the UE General Executive Board (hereinafter referred to as “GEB”), the region executive board shall elect a temporary successor for the remainder of the term from among the members of the region executive board. In case of death, resignation or recall of any other officer, executive board member or trustee, a successor shall be elected to fill the unexpired term of such officer at the next regular meeting of the Region.
Section I. The Region president shall be the chief executive officer of this Region and shall serve on the GEB as a general vice-president of the national union and shall be a delegate to the UE national convention. They shall preside at all meetings, enforce all laws of the Region; subject to the approval of the Region executive board, appoint a sergeant-at-arms to assist in maintaining order at Region meetings; coordinate, attend and chair all meetings of the sub-regions; be an ex-officio member of all committees but will have no vote except in case of tie, and shall also:
- Represent the Region at the UE national convention;
- Shall authorize, with the Region secretary-treasurer, all Region payments made;
- Shall be bonded for no less than the amount of money entrusted to their care by the Region secretary-treasurer out of the Region budget;
- Coordinate the work of the locals in the Region for the maintenance and improvement of conditions of the members;
- Work with the national UE staff to coordinate the efforts of locals to carry out the programs, policies and political action work of the national union and the Region;
- Work in conjunction with the UE organizing department to assure proper coordination of the efforts of the Region and the UE organizational department;
- Assist the national UE staff when necessary to assure defense of the members;
- Attempt to adjust disputes between local unions, between locals and the national union and between locals and members of the national UE staff;
- Work with local leaders and the national UE staff to encourage and develop union leadership;
Section 2. The Region vice-president shall serve on the GEB and shall be a delegate to the UE national convention. The Region vice-president, in the absence of the Region president, shall conduct the meetings of the Region, perfonn all duties of the Region president and act as ex-officio member on all committees. They shall be bonded for no less than the amount of money entrusted to their care by the Region secretary-treasurer out of the Region budget. The vice-president shall authorize in absence for either the president or secretary-treasurer all Region payments made.
Section 3. The Region secretary-treasurer shall serve on the GEB and shall be a delegate to the UE national convention. They shall be provided by the national union on a monthly basis a copy of all financial records of the region recorded by the national union that receive, receipt and account for all monies and payment of all bills authorized by the Region and the Region executive board. The national union will also provide a monthly report on the status of locals in their Region in making per capita payments and identifying delinquencies. These same financial and per capita reports will also be shared with the Region president and trustees. They shall make a financial repmi at each regular meeting of the Region and Region executive board, which report shall be sent to all affiliated local unions. They shall authorize the national union to give bond satisfactory to the Region and Region officers including the Region secretary-treasurer shall be bonded for no less than the amount of money entrusted to their care,fee for which shall be paid out of the Region’s budget. They shall perform all such duties with the approval of the Region executive board and at the Region meeting as may be deemed necessary to a proper and effective administration of the financial affairs of the Region.
All expenditures of the Region must be authorized by two (2) Region officers: the authorization of the secretary-treasurer and the president or, in the absence of either, the authorization of the vice-president. The national union shall deposit all funds within five (5) business days of the receipt of same.
Section 4. The Region recording secretary shall record the official record of all Region executive board and Region meetings and furnish a written copy of such minutes to the officers and delegates of the Region meeting for review and final approval. A copy shall be sent to all affiliated local unions.
Section 5. The duties of the Region trustees shall be to audit all books and records of the national union and Region three times per year, or by order of the GEB; to take inventory of all the properties of the union and make their report at the UE national convention. The Region trustees shall make a written report to the GEB and the UE national convention. The Region trustees shall report to their respective Region officers and Region meetings. One Region trustee shall be part of the GEB financial task force. They shall not be members of the Region executive board.
Section 6. The Region sergeant-at-an11s shall assist the chair in preserving order, and shall eject from the meeting any person so ordered by the body. They shall be appointed by the Region president from among the members-at-large of the Region executive board and approved by the Region.
Section 1. The duties of the Region executive board shall be to enforce the decisions made by the Region. It shall represent the Region between meetings of the Region, and shall act on all urgent business of the Region. The president of the Region shall be the chairperson of the Region executive board. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 2. The Region executive board shall meet prior to the regular meeting of the Region. Notices of the time and place of the meeting shall be sent to all members of the Region executive board at least thirty-one (31) days prior to the date of the meeting.
Section 3. Special meetings of the Region executive board may be called by the Region president or upon the request of one less than a majority of the members of the Region executive board. Such special meetings may be held via conference call and the Region president shall be authorized to conduct votes by conference call or e-mail.
Section 1. At the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Region each year, which shall be held no later than April 30th, nominations and elections will be held for the positions of Region president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, recording secretary, Region executive board members-at-large, trustees, alternate trustee and five at-large delegates to the GEB.
Section 2. Any member in good standing for a period of twelve ( 12) months or longer in the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) shall be eligible as a candidate for Region executive office or at-large delegate to the GEB. At the time of nominations, they shall be a member in good standing of a local union affiliated with the Region.
The Region shall elect five (5) at-large delegates to the GEB in accordance with provisions contained in the national constitution. One (1) at-large delegate to the GEB may be from the same local union as the Region president, otherwise no local shall have more than one member on the GEB.
Section 3. A candidate for any other Region position shall have been a member in good standing for at least six (6) months in the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE). At the time of nominations, they shall be a member in good standing of a local union in the Region.
Section 4. Nominations and elections for each office shall be held separately and a candidate defeated for one office shall be eligible to become a candidate for another office subject to the provisions of Section 8 below.
Section 5. The order of Region nominations and elections shall be as follows: president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer, recording secretary, executive board members-at-large and trustees.
Nominations and election for the positions of the five (5) at-large delegates to the GEB shall be held after the election for Region executive officers and Region executive board members. GEB delegates-at-large shall be elected from among those executive board members qualified to be a candidate under the terms of the Constitutions and By-Laws of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) and the Region.
In the year that a UE national convention is held, two additional convention at-large delegates shall be elected. Such delegates shall be elected from among the at-large Region representatives to the GEB.
Section 6. In the event of a contest, the election shall be held by ballot vote on the basis provided for in Article V, Section 7. There shall be no bullet voting.
Section 7. In the event a ballot vote is conducted, an election committee of three (3) members shall be nominated from the floor and elected. No candidate for office shall be a member of the election committee. The committee shall elect a chairperson.
The election committee shall conduct and supervise the election; distribute the ballots; count the ballots cast for each candidate; tabulate the total number of ballots cast and the number of blank and mutilated ballots. Ballots shall be kept under seal for a period of one (I) year following the election.
Section 8. Challenge to the Election: A written challenge to the election must be filed with the Region president within 72 hours of the election. The Region president upon receipt of the challenge shall have the authority to appoint a committee of the Region executive board to investigate the facts and hold hearings as deemed necessary. Such investigations and hearing may be conducted by conference call. The committee shall submit its recommendation to the Region executive board within fifteen ( 15) days of receiving the challenge. The Region president shall arrange for a special executive board meeting or conference call for the purpose of hearing the recommendations of the committee and render a decision on the challenge. Such meeting or conference call shall take place within sixty ( 60) days of the election. If the challenge is not finally resolved at that point, the individual may appeal the decision to the GEB for final disposition.
Section 9. For the Region office of president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer and recording secretary, the chairperson shall declare elected the candidate for each office receiving a majority of votes. If no candidate receives a majority, the names of the two (2) delegates receiving the highest number of votes shall go up for a second ballot, and the delegates receiving a majority in this election shall be declared elected. For all other offices, the chairperson shall declare elected the candidates for each office receiving the highest number of votes. Where two or more candidates are from the same local, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be seated.
Section 10. Any local delinquent in per capita payments to the Region or the national union shall not take part in the nominations and elections of Region officers and executive board members, except as provided for in Article V, Section 2.
Section 11. In nomination and election of officers, executive board members of the Region, and at-large delegates to the GEB, due consideration should be given to various geographic areas, shops and locals so that the best possible unity and representation in the Region can be obtained.
Section 12. Installation of officers shall take place at the same meeting at which they are elected.
Section 1. The credentials committee shall be comprised of members of the Region executive board. They shall meet with the Region secretary-treasurer prior to each meeting of the Region to determine the standing of all locals, and shall report all locals not in good standing (as provided for in Article V, Section 2) to the meeting immediately after the reading of the minutes. Such locals to have voice but no vote as provided for in the above-mentioned Article and Section.
Section 2. Other committees may be established to carry out the work of the Region as ordered by the Region executive board or the Region.
Section 3. All committees shall be appointed by the Region president subject to approval by the body, and shall serve one (1) year except as hereinafter provided.
Section 4. The Region executive board shall have the power to remove a member or members of any committee who, in their opinion, are not serving the best interest of the Region.
Section 5. A member or members of any committee removed from such committee in accordance with Section 4 above shall have the right of appeal to the body at the regular meeting of the Region after removal.
Section 6. The Region president shall have the power to fill any vacancy on any committee caused by the resignation or removal of a member by the Region executive board for the unexpired term of such member.
All locals shall pay the monthly Region per capita to the national union per Article 13, Section E of the UE National Constitution.
Section 1. The Region shall establish sub-regions in geographic areas of the Region to enable periodic one day meetings with the purpose of advancing the union’s goals, further developing rank and file leadership and encouraging membership involvement. At the spring Region meeting, the Region shall review the levels of participation in each sub-region and, if necessary, revise the number of sub-regions and the geographic area comprising each sub-region.
Section 2. Each sub-region shall meet at least one time annually. The agenda for the meetings shall be developed with sessions aimed at promoting mutual aid and support through education, political action, organizing and other activity the Region or local unions within the sub-regions may decide to become involved in.
Section 3. Meetings of the sub-regions shall be coordinated and chaired by the Region president. Each sub-region shall be governed by the constitution of the Region and work in full cooperation with the Region to can-y out the programs and policies of the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) and the Region. The sub-regions are not policy making bodies and as such shall have no elected officers or delegates. The sub-regional meetings shall be open to any member in good standing of the Region or the sub-region.
Section 1. The national union shall pay the funding and expenses of the Region.
Section 2. The Region shall use the annual spring meeting to adopt a draft budget proposal for submission to the GEB for review at their May/June meeting. The Region budget period runs annually from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. The Region budget shall contain at a minimum the following line items: 1) Region president salary, benefits and expenses, 2) two Region council meetings, 3) two Region executive board meetings, 4) sub-region expenses, 5) UE national convention expenses for five region delegates, 6) office expenses, 7) donations and organization memberships and 8) subsidy to locals for attending Region meetings.
Section 3. If during the budget year the Region anticipates that it will exceed the ceiling amount of the total budget, the Region executive board can vote to request the GEB to review and approve an expanded Region budget.
Section 4. Monthly reports from the national union outlining revenue received as well as tracking of Region expenses will be sent to both the Region secretary-treasurer and trustees with a copy to the GEB of the Region.
Section 5. Donations and expenses for dedicated funds set up by the Region, such as member action and scholarship funds, will be tracked separately from the Region budget.
Section 6. The Region shall adopt and amend Region financial practices upon approval of the Region executive board and Region.
Section 1. The Region president may be recalled in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE).
Section 2. Any other officer or member of the Region executive board may be recalled by a two-thirds majority vote of the delegates to the Region meeting.
Section 3. All locals shall be notified in advance of the Region meeting that the subject of recall of a Region officer or trustee is to be acted upon. A petition for a recall must be initiated by at least twenty five (25%) per cent of the locals in the Region, and the petition shall be filed with the Region president.
Section 1. If a member of this union commits an offense against the constitution and by-laws or the general good and welfare of the local union, Region, or of the national union, the member shall be given an impartial trial by the local union as provided in the by-laws of said local union. The offense for which the member is charged is to be presented in writing to their local union by the member making the charges, who at the time, must be a member in good standing of the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE). A copy of said charges is to be given to the member under charges by the local recording secretary. Either plaintiff or defendant shall have the right to appeal to the Region (not sub-region), which shall have the power to investigate the facts and hold hearings as deemed necessary. A decision of the Region shall be rendered to appellant within ninety (90) days of receipt of appeal. Appeals can further be taken to the GEB of the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE), and from that body to the ensuing UE national convention. The decision of the local shall be final until otherwise decided by a higher body.
Section 2. If a member of this union commits the offense of engaging in raiding or secession activities, the following procedure shall be followed notwithstanding any other provisions of this constitution or of any local constitution. The member shall be given an impartial trial by their local union. Such charges must be presented in writing by the member making the charges to the local of which the accused is a member. The member making the charges must be a UE member in good standing. A copy of said charges is to be given to the accused by the local recording secretary. A decision on such charges shall be made by the local not later than ten days after receipt of the charges by the local. Either plaintiff or defendant shall have the right to appeal to the Region, which shall have the power to elect from its body a committee to investigate the facts and hold hearings as deemed necessary. Between meetings of the Region or Region executive board, the Region president shall appoint such committee. A decision of the Region or of the Region executive board between meetings of the council shall be rendered to appellant not later than seven (7) days from the receipt of the appeal by the Region. Appeals can further be taken to the GEB and from that body to the ensuing UE national convention. The decision of any lower body shall be final until otherwise decided by a higher body. If a local does not comply with the provisions of this Section, the GEB shall have the power to assume jurisdiction on such charges of raiding or secession pending before any such local.
In such cases hearings may be conducted by the GEB as a trial body, or by a committee of the GEB board designated by it. If the hearing is held by a committee of the GEB, said committee shall file its report and recommendations to the GEB, which shall have the final authority to render a decision. Between meetings of the GEB, the UE general president shall have the authority to designate a committee of the GEB to hear, report and make recommendations to the GEB.
In such cases the GEB, shall, after trial, determine the innocence or guilt of the accused and shall have the power to reprove, fine, suspend, or to remove the member from office or any other official representative capacity in the union, or expel them from UE membership.
An appeal from the decision of the GEB may be taken to the ensuing UE national convention. The decision of the GEB shall be final until otherwise decided by the UE national convention.
If the Region does not comply with the provision of this section in respect to the time for hearing and determining appeals in cases of raiding or secession, the GEB shall assume jurisdiction on such appeal and have full authority to act thereon as though the appeal had been filed with the GEB.
Section 1. Amendments to this constitution may be initiated by the Region executive board, with the approval at the Region meeting.
The constitution shall not be amended by an amendment initiated in this manner, unless it is approved by a referendum vote of the local unions that is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the UE national constitution.
Section 2. A local may submit a proposed amendment to this constitution to the recording secretary no less than thirty (30) days before the next regular meeting of the Region executive board. The Region executive board shall recommend adoption or rejection of such an amendment to the next regular meeting of the Region. If the Region approves the amendment, it shall then be submitted to the local unions for a referendum vote that is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the UE national constitution.