Additional Resources from UE National

The tremendous problems that face working people in our country, and around the world, call for a labor movement that can carry out an aggressive struggle against the organized forces of the employers on all fronts.

UE is dedicated to building that kind of a labor movement, for our own members and for all workers. UE produces a wide range of materials to help our members understand and take action on the issues we face in the workplace and in society.

UE Stewards Information
82 Short Topics

Articles from the pages of the UE Steward, our regular publication for stewards and other helpful resources for workers.

COVID-19 Resources

UE National has a variety of resources available for stewards, local unions and members for these unprecedented times.

Fighting “Right to Work”

UE has put together resources for political education about “right to work” and building effective unions in “right to work” conditions.

Preparing for a Strike

Strikes are not everyday events. But the capacity to conduct one should shape how a local operates both in the short and long term.